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Kilkenny County Council
24Overall Score:
Population (2016):
4The indicators in the Transparency category measure the local authority’s publication practices.
Are minutes of council proceedings provided online and in a timely manner?
The meeting minutes are posted but should be more easily accessible (December 2017 meeting minutes had to be found in the 2018 Meetings section)
Council Websites
Was the local authority’s approved annual budget and budget commentary for 2017 available online?
Council websites
Does the local authority publish online a searchable database of past and current planning applications, with complete documentation for each application?
TI Ireland researchers found multiple applications missing attachments and/or pre-planning consultation reports
Council websitesT4
Are written submissions and observations submitted by the public on city and/or county development plans published on the local authority’s website?
There were no submissions found online
Council websitesT5
Are written motions submitted by Councillors on city and/or county development plans published on [the development plan pages of] the local authority’s website?
No motions found on the development plan page
Council WebsitesT6
Does the local authority publish on its website a list of all purchase orders raised for goods and services over €20,000, on a quarterly basis?
Council websitesT7
Does the local authority publish comprehensive information on its procurement process on its website?
As of 11 December 2017, the is no information for users on contracts awarded
Council WebsitesT8
Does the local authority periodically publish reports on councillor expenses and payments online?
No 2016 expenses were posted as of 20 November 2017
Council WebsitesT9
Do the reports on councillor expenses and payments provide sufficient information?
No 2016 expenses were posted as of 20 November 2017
Council websitesT10
Are councillors’ Donation Statements published online?
No statements found on the Council's website
Council websitesT11
Does the local authority publish information online on the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015, including a complete list of its ‘Designated Public Officials’?
Council websitesT12
Does the local authority’s Chief Executive publish his/her diary?
No diary found
Council websitesAccountability
4The indicators in the Accountability category assess the measures the local authority has in place to promote accountability.
Does the local authority provide a confirmation of receipt of FOI requests within two weeks?
FOI ResponsesA2
Does the local authority provide a decision on FOI requests within four weeks?
FOI ResponsesA3
Does the local authority publish a comprehensive protected disclosures policy and procedures on its website?
There were no protected disclosures policies or procedures online at the time of checking, on 8 August 2017
Council websitesA4
Does the local authority publish online its annual report on protected disclosures?
There was no protected disclosures webpage as of 8 August 2017, and no mention in the last annual report
Council websitesA5
Are the local authority’s audited financial statements published online?
Council websitesA6
Does the internal audit unit enjoy full operational independence?
The Internal Auditor reports to the Director of Services for Corporate Affairs
Local Government Audit Service reports, council websites and FOI requestsA7
Did the local authority report that it has procedures in place to investigate alleged contraventions of Part 15 of the Local Government Act 2001 by councillors and relevant employees?
No procedures shared
Emails to local authoritiesA9
Does the Council allow members of the public to attend its monthly meetings?
Phone calls to local authoritiesA10
Was the Council fully responsive to requests from the public (i.e. in this case TI Ireland)?
Phone calls and emails to local authoritiesEthics
3The indicators in the Ethics category measure how prepared the local authority is to fulfil its duty to prevent unethical conduct.
Were the 2016 Registers of Interests for council members available online?
Some helpful information provided, but no ethics declarations published as of 27 November 2017
Council websitesE2
Does the local authority have a comprehensive up-to-date page within its website dedicated to ethics and/or governance?
Council websitesE3
Did the Local Authority report that its Ethics Registrar proactively reviews the completeness of ethics declarations filed in accordance with the Local Government Act 2001?
Phone calls to local authoritiesE4
Does the local authority maintain and publish summary data on reports received by the Ethics Registrar and/or Chief Executive, with respect to possible contraventions of Part 15 of the Local Government Act, 2001?
Council websitesE5
Did the local authority report that it has an up-to-date risk management or alert plan, addressing corruption and fraud risks?
Emails to local authoritiesE6
Does the local authority publish online a risk management or alert plan, addressing corruption and fraud risks?
Council websitesE7
Did the local authority report that it takes a proactive role in preventing employees from taking on certain positions in the private sector, whether during or following employment?
Emails to local authoritiesE8
Did the local authority report that it proactively informs individuals of their obligations under the Regulation of Lobbying Act?
Phone calls/emails to local authorities