Set out below are examples of good practices in connection with each of the indicators.
PE1 - Does the organisation have a publicly available policy and procedures on responsible corporate political activities (including lobbying; the funding of political think-thanks; revolving doors and the prohibition of political contributions whether made directly or indirectly)? None of the organisations assessed met this indicator. An example of good practice elsewhere is SSE Airtricity’s Group Political and Regulatory Engagement Policy.
PE2 - Does the organisation disclose information on its lobbying activities? Ervia had published details of its returns under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 on its website. See under ‘Regulation of Lobbying Act’.
PE3 - Are those employed or contracted to lobby on behalf of the organisation periodically informed about and/or trained on the organisation’s responsible political engagement policies and procedures, and required to adhere to this? Ervia had a standalone lobbying policy available online, which 'applies to all Board Members and employees of Ervia including consultants, contractors, volunteers, trainees, work experience students, interns, part-time, full-time, casual workers and agency workers' and with which all must comply. The policy notes that each division's Compliance Officer is responsible for 'promoting awareness of lobbying and the requirements of the [Lobbying] Act' within her/his division.
PE4 - Does the organisation publish details of the organisations/associations of which it is a member that lobby on behalf of member organisations? Dublin Airport, a subsidiary of daa, featured a list of interest groups (among other agencies) with which it is involved on its website.
WB2 - Did the organisation disclose details of internal and external channels available to report wrongdoing? RTÉ's Code of Conduct for staff, which was available online, outlines channels for making a protected disclosure, including contact details for a 'confidential reporting line operated by an independent company, Safecall'.